Learning what’s coming to City Council meetings is not always easy. Check back each week to read a quick summary of the most important items (in my humble opinion).
Week of 9/15/24
9/17/24: Planning & Zoning Commission. CANCELLED.
9/19/24: Transit Advisory Committee. 11:00a @ Schnebly/Zoom.
4.1. Shuttle Connect service update.
4.2. Review Sedona Transit Implementation Plan.
4.3. Verde Shuttle boardings.
4.4. Trailhead Shuttle ridership.
STAC_Agenda_9-19-24.pdf (sedonashuttle.com)
OTHER FUTURE TOPICS & MEETINGS (Tentative and Subject to Change)|
9/24/24: Council Meeting. 4:30p @ Council Chambers.
3.g. Yavapai Flood Control Agreement. $300K.
3.h. (4) Replacement Police Interceptors. $361K.
8.a. Zone Change. SaddleRock Crossing. 1259 W. Hwy 89A.
8.b. Dry Creek SUP, Two Fences to Gringo Rd. $376K.
8.c. Land Use Assumptions (LUA) and Infrastructure Improvement Plan (IIP) for Development Incentive Fees.
Agendas and Documents | City of Sedona (sedonaaz.gov)
9/25/24: Joint Meeting with Sedona Fire. 1:00p @ Vultee Conference Room.
3.a. Future Fire Station 4 Location.
Agendas and Documents | City of Sedona (sedonaaz.gov)
9/25/24: Study Session. 3:00p @ Council Chambers.
3.a. Airport Assessment.
Agendas and Documents | City of Sedona (sedonaaz.gov)
10/8/24: Shelby SUP, NAH President. Development Impact Fees. Future of Historic Preservation Commission.
10/9/24: Yavapai College update.
10/22/24: Flagpole at Posse Grounds Park, Dog Park Grass, Extreme Weather Lodging Program, SIM update.
10/23/24: Arizona Water’s Growing Water Initiative.
11/12/24: November Election Canvass, Recognition of Outgoing Councilor Williamson, Swearing in of Councilor Pfaff, Appointment of Vice Mayor, Development Incentive Fees/
TBD: Uptown Road Improvements, Sunset Lofts Gap Financing ($7.5M), Housing at 401 Jordan Rd. Dry Creek SUP.
Important Links:
City Calendar | City of Sedona (sedonaaz.gov)
Be sure to check back after the meetings to read a summary: Pete’s Sedona City Meeting Summaries | Sedona City Councilmember Pete Furman (sedonapete.com)