Learning what’s coming to City Council meetings is not always easy. Check back each week to read a quick summary of the most important items (in my humble opinion).
2/25/25 City Council Executive Session. 3p @ Council Chambers
3.a. Settlement Discussions for Litigation with LaTierra 1120, 1120 Hwy 89A.
3.b. Legal Advice for Ambiante Creekside Development.
Agendas and Documents | City of Sedona
2/25/25 City Council Meeting. 4:30p @ Council Chambers.
3.b. Testing of Materials and Special Inspection of Uptown Garage. $183K
3.c. Rubber Surfacing for Ranger Station Park. 114K.
4. Tourism Advisory Board Member Appointment – Lindey Hammersmith.
8.a. Property Purchase of 676 SR 179 from ADOT for Future Creek Walk. $1.010M.
8.b. State Legislation.
Agendas and Documents | City of Sedona
2/26/25 City Council Special Session. 2p @ Council Chambers.
3.a. Sedona in Motion Transportation Program Update.
Agendas and Documents | City of Sedona
OTHER FUTURE TOPICS & MEETINGS (very tentative and likely to change)
3/11/25 City Council Meeting. SUP Project Design for Coffee Pot Dr., SUP Project Design for Dry Creek Rd., Council Rules and Procedures, Fund Balance and Reserve Policy, Agreement with APS for Forest Road, Housing LIHTC Project for 2411 W 89A, STR Regulations, Digital Kiosks for Visitor Center, State Legislation.
3/25/25 Council Meeting. Uptown Residential Parking Program, SR179 Park & Ride Construction Contract, City Hall Door and Window Replacement Project, Annexation of Properties West of Sedona (including Water Treatment Plant and Dells Property, Buildout of Ranger Station Park, State Legislation.
4/8/25 Council Meeting. City Manager annual evaluation, Uptown Road Improvements, State Legislation.
4/22/25 Council Meeting. Residential Sports Courts, Ranger Station Park Interior Project, SUP Project Construction for Andante Dr.
4/30/25 Council Special Meeting. Budget Work Session.
5/1/25 Council Special Meeting. Budget Work Session.
Important Links:
City Calendar | City of Sedona (sedonaaz.gov)
Be sure to check back after the meetings to read a summary: Pete’s Sedona City Meeting Summaries | Sedona City Councilmember Pete Furman (sedonapete.com)