5/13/24: Historic Preservation Commission. 4:00p @ Council Chambers.
5.b. Tlaquepaque Chapel Landmark Designation.
5.c. Kiva House (56 Lynx Dr.), Landmark Designation.
Agendas and Documents | City of Sedona (sedonaaz.gov)
5/14/24: City Council Meeting. 4:30p @ Council Chambers.
3.f. Pickle Ball Court Contruction Contract. $1.6M. APPROVED 7-0.
3.g. Interdepartmental Agreement with ADOT for Design of the Brewer Road Shared Use Path. $130K. APPROVED 7-0.
3.h. Contract Amendment with DVA for “Embrace the Moment” Tourism Marketing Campaign. $150K. APPROVED 7-0.
8.a. Uptown Parking Garage Contract. $17.5M (plus additional City work of $5.1M, for a total of $23.1M). APPROVED 7-0;
8.b. Uptown Parking Garage Financing Plan. DIRECTION GIVEN.
Agendas and Documents | City of Sedona (sedonaaz.gov)
Be sure to check back after the meetings to read a summary: Pete’s Sedona City Meeting Summaries | Sedona City Councilmember Pete Furman (sedonapete.com)