4/9/24 City Council Closed Session.
3.a. Legal advice. Property Purchase for Future Visitor Center in Vicinity of 89A and Forest Rd. COUNCIL DIRECTION.
Agendas and Documents | City of Sedona (sedonaaz.gov)
4/9/24 City Council Meeting.
8.a. Report on Sedona Arts Center.
8.b. Report on Greater Sedona Recreation Collaborative (GSRC).
8.c. Ordinance Amending Sedona City Code Title 10 (Vehicles and Traffic) Adding OHV Rental Regulations. Motion to defer with additional direction to consider city-wide permitting process. APPROVED 7-0.
8.d. Contract with Chamber of Commerce for Operation of Visitor Center. $347K. APPROVED 6-1 (Furman).
8.e. State Legislation Review.
Agendas and Documents | City of Sedona (sedonaaz.gov)
Previews future meetings at: Upcoming Sedona City Meetings | Sedona City Councilmember Pete Furman (sedonapete.com)