7/11/23 Council Executive Session
3.a Council directed staff to end the long-term use of reclaimed wastewater Intergovernmental Agreement with the Yavapai Apache Nation. Approved 6-0 (Furman absent).
7/11/23 City Council Meeting
3.d. Land Lease Agreement with YAN at Wastewater Plant. Approved 6-0 (Furman absent).
3.e. Professional Services Contract for Plans Examiner. $525,000 (3-yr). Approved 6-0 (Furman absent).
8.a Tentative Budget Approval. $85,820,000. Approved 6-0 (Furman absent).
8.b. Small Grants Awards. $200,000. Approved 6-0 (Furman absent).
8.c. Pickleball Courts Location at Posse Grounds. North ballfield near existing courts selected. Approved 6-0 (Furman absent).
8.d. New Ordinance Readings Process. Two meetings now required. Approved 6-0 (Furman absent).
8.e. Ordinance amending Rights-of-Way – placement of non-permanent personal objects. Motion to Defer Approved 6-0 (Furman absent).
Previews future meetings at: Upcoming Sedona City Meetings | Sedona City Councilmember Pete Furman (sedonapete.com)