4/10/23 Historic Preservation Commission
5.a Update on Ranger Station Park.
5.b Two Potential Landmark Applications (Tlaquepaque Chapel & Tower, 56 Lynx Drive).
5.c Partnering with Sedona Historic Society.
Meeting Information: Agendas and Documents | City of Sedona (sedonaaz.gov)
4/11/23 City Council Meeting
8.a (AB2927) Resolution in Support of Upper Verde Wild & Scenic River Designation. APPROVED 7-0.
8.b (AB2936) Outdoor Feeding and Protection of Wildlife Ordinance. APPROVED 6-1 (Kinsella).
8.c (AB2378) Construction Contract for Pedestrian Undercrossing at Oak Creek (Tlaquepaque) ($3.46M). APPROVED 7-0.
8.d (AB2861) Review/Discussion of State Legislation.
8.e (AB2937) Possible Resolutions for League of Arizona City and Towns Policy Committees. Request for OHV resolution forwarded to AZ League 7-0. City Attorney directed to bring forward a City OHV Ordinance.
Meeting Information: Agendas and Documents | City of Sedona (sedonaaz.gov)
4/12/23 City Council Work Session
3.a (AB2930) Discussion/Possible Direction on City/Chamber Strategies for Tourism Management. Designate City as AOT DMO Approved 7-0. Directed Manager to hire consultant to explore in-house tourism management.
Meeting Information: Agendas and Documents | City of Sedona (sedonaaz.gov)
Previews future meetings at: Upcoming Sedona City Meetings | Sedona City Councilmember Pete Furman (sedonapete.com)